Ensuring the accuracy of paid health claims and returning lost dollars to the Health Plan.
Audit Scope
HCCI works with the client to determine the audit scope based on the company’s audit requirements and the Administrative Services Agreement with the claims administrator. The most common audit scope is the most recently processed claims in 18-24 months.
Work with the claims administrator to resolve all outstanding audit rebuttals /claims issues.
Submit the draft report to the claims administrator and finalize all outstanding issues. A draft copy will also be forwarded to the client. HCCI will follow-up throughout the rebuttal process to ensure that all recoveries are credited to the client.
The estimated time involved in the audit project is based upon the claims administrator’s timely submission of the data file, open dates for the onsite audit, and the final resolution of audit issues. Normally, an audit of this type is completed within 90-120 days from the original notification date to the Plan Administrator. HCCI works diligently with all parties to be responsive to all deadlines and audit requirements.
Ensuring the accuracy of paid health claims and returning lost dollars to the Health Plan.